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Idaho Geological Survey Oil & Gas Program
GeoNotes (G): G-46
Year: 2019





Idaho Mining and Geology
GeoNotes (G): G-40
Year: 2001

National Natural Landmarks in Idaho
GeoNotes (G): G-41
Year: 2001


Idaho, the Gem State
GeoNotes (G): G-37
Year: 1996

Nonfuel Mineral Production in Idaho - 1995
GeoNotes (G): G-38
Year: 1996


Nonfuel Mineral Production in Idaho - 1994
GeoNotes (G): G-36
Year: 1995


Gold in Idaho
GeoNotes (G): G-28
Year: 1994


Idaho's Phosphate Industry, 1994 Update
GeoNotes (G): G-30
Year: 1994

Nonfuel Mineral Production in Idaho - 1993
GeoNotes (G): G-31
Year: 1994




The Search for Oil and Gas in Idaho
GeoNotes (G): G-21
Year: 1993

Mining in Idaho's Economy - 1993
GeoNotes (G): G-22
Year: 1993




Glacial Lake Missoula and the Spokane Floods
GeoNotes (G): G-26
Year: 1993

Mineral Exploration in Idaho, 1986 and 1990
GeoNotes (G): G-19
Year: 1992


Industrial Minerals in Idaho
GeoNotes (G): G-14
Year: 1991

Snake River Plain Aquifer: Idaho's Hidden Gem
GeoNotes (G): G-15
Year: 1991


Agricultural Injection Wells in Idaho
GeoNotes (G): G-17
Year: 1991

Urban Storm Water Disposal in Injection Wells
GeoNotes (G): G-18
Year: 1991



Selected Statistics for Silver Production - 1986
GeoNotes (G): G-11
Year: 1987

Asbestos: Uses and Hazards
GeoNotes (G): G-2
Year: 1986


Earthquake Safety
GeoNotes (G): G-10
Year: 1986